[Carbon cycle and tree growth in Central Siberia affected by forest fires and peculiarities of boreal forest ecosystem functioning at permafrost presence]  

Larch forest

Burnt area

Nijnaya Tunguska river

My tasks:
to study root respiration of Larix gmelinii trees depending on tree growth and root diameter;
to determine temperature-respiration relationships of mosses, lichens, dwarf shrubs, litter and soil in larch associations;
to study soil and vegetation cover respiration after ground fires and in untouched larch stands;
to evaluate CO2–emission from vegetation cover and soil in various larch stands;
to determine the contribution of mosses, lichens and dwarf shrubs in total CO2 flux from vegetation cover surface; to study CO2 flux from soil in larch stands;
to study CO2–emission by shrubs in burned and unburned larch associations.

Supported by Joint Russian-Japanese project (1997-2000), Krasnoyarsk Regional Scientific Fund (# 7F-0042 - 1998-1999; #11G042 – 2000-2001; #12G042 – 2001-2002; #13G042 – 2002-2003; #11F0074M – 2002; #15G042 – 2005) Joint KRSF-RFBR #99-04-96008 (1999-2002), Russian Fund of Basic Research (#03-04-48037 – 2003-2005; #04-04-63016-к – 2004; #05-04-63097-к – 2005; #07-04-96812-р_енисей_а РФФИ-Енисей – 2007-2009)

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